machine learning methods
Gaussian Processes
Mathematical Programming
Support Vectors
- Nearest Point Algorithm. by Sathiya Keerthi (in FORTRAN).
- SVM Java Applet. by Chris Burges et al.
- BSVM. A decomposition method for bound-constrained SVM formulations.
- QP SVM Classification and Regression. Fortran Implementation.
- Chunking Code. by C. Saunders, M. O. Stitson, J. Weston, L. Bottou, B. Schölkopf, and A. Smola at Royal Holloway, AT&T, and GMD FIRST (Documentation).
- cSVM. SVM for classification tasks with model selection.
- DTREG. by Phillip H. Sherrod.
- Interior Point Optimizer for SVM Pattern Recognition. by Alex Smola.
- Equbits Foresight. Commerical SVM based Classification and Regression Application Designed for Drug Discovery.
- Gini-SVM. A multi-class Probabilistic regression software for large data sets.
- GiniSVM. Multi-class SVM Probability regression package.
- Gist. Gist contains software tools for support vector machine classification and for kernel principal components analysis. The SVM portion of Gist is available via an interactive web server.
- Parallel GPDT. Parallel and serial training of SVM.
- HeroSvm1.0. A high performance DLL for training SVM on a very large training set efficiently.
- SVM java implementation. This implementation is simple and easy to modify.
- LEARNSC. SVM, NN and FL MATLAB based user-friendly routines.
- LIBSVM. An SVM library with a graphic interface.
- looms. a leave-one-out model selection software based on BSVM.
- LS-SVMlab. Matlab/C Toolbox for Least Squares Support Vector Machines.
- M-SVM. Multi-class support vector machine for very large problems.
- M-SVM. Multi-class support vector machine for very large problems.
- mySVM. SVM implementation for pattern recognition and regression.
- mySVM and SVMlight for Windows. SVM implementation for Windows, uses Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0.
- mySVM/db. SVM implementation to be run inside a database.
- Sequential Minimal Optimization. by Xianping Ge.
- SMOBR. SMOBR is an implementation of the original Sequential Minimal Optimisation proposed by Platt written in C++.
- SVMdark. A Windows implementation of a support vector machine.
- SvmFu. by Ryan Rifkin.
- SVMLight. by Thorsten Joachims.
- SVM/LOO. Matlab code for SVM incremental learning and decremental unlearning (LOO validation).
- SVM/optima. SVM QP routines in Fortran for classification/regression.
- SVMseq. An implementation of grad. desc. for SV learning, supports sample selection, string kernels and quasi-linear training. Implemented in Haskell, source + binaries available.
- SVMTorch. Support Vector Machine for Large-Scale Regression and Classification Problems.
- Matlab SVM Toolbox. by Steve Gunn.
- Matlab SVM Toolbox. Matlab implementation in the style of SVMlight, can train 1-norm and 2-norm SVMs.
- OSU SVM Classifier Matlab Toolbox. A matlab toolbox with a C++ mex core to fast implement the SVM classifiers.
- SimpleSVM Toolbox. Fully Matlab toolbox for SVM, based on SimpleSVM algorithm. Includes 1class, invariance treatment.
- SVM Toolbox. Object Oriented MATLAB Support Vector Machine Toolbox, including C++ MEX implementation of the sequential minimal optimisation algorithm.
- WinSVM. SVM program for running under Windows.It uses SMO algorithm, so it is very fast and easy to use.
- WinSVM. SVM for windows,easy to use.
- winSVM. A Windows implementation of a support vector machine.
Other Algorithms
- AdaBoost-Reg. A regularized version of the AdaBoost algorithm (in MATLAB).
- Generalized Discriminant Analysis. Zip file, for Matlab 5.
- Kernel Billiard. by Pal Rujan (in C).
- Kernel ICA. A kernel-based approach for independent component analysis.
- JINFIL java Instance Filtering. Instance Filtering is a preprocessing step for supervised learning systems for entity recognition in texts. The goal of Instance Filtering is to reduce both the skewed class distribution and the data set size by eliminating negative instances, while preserving positive ones as much as possible. This process is performed on both the training and test set, with the effect of reducing the learning and classification time, while maintaining or improving the prediction accuracy. The tool demonstrate excellent performances when applied to SVM classifiers.
- Kernel-Machine Library. A GPL'ed C++ library to develop (new) kernel machine tools and algorithms in an efficient way.
- myKLR. Kernel Logistic Regression.
- RBF Networks. Fast RBF Networks with adaptive centers.
- Kernel PCA. RBF Toy Example by Bernhard Schölkopf (in MATLAB).
- R-KDDA. A regularized kernel discriminant analysis method (in matlab).
- Spider. A library in MATLAB for classification, regression, clustering, .... for SVMs it uses LIBSVM and SVMLight.
- Torch. a new machine learning library in C++/GPL including MLP, RBF, SVM, GMM, HMM, KNN, Parzen...
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